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Past Seminar Recordings

"Exploring Climate Change & Carbon Neutrality:
Health Promoting Solutions that Improve Your Bottom Line"

In the second part of the CHBC Environmental Stewardship & Engagement Series, CHBC participants had the opportunity to learn from industry experts, Dr. Janice Barnes & Marc Fetten. Both Barnes and Fetten shared their expertise on the way in which the environment impacts personal health and business outcomes. They also described potential solutions and action steps that can be taken to support the health and well-being of your workforce while making your organization more sustainable and ultimately improving your bottom line.

Passcode: 4W1w&MD^

"Fostering Engagement & Environmental Stewardship In The Workplace"

The Charleston Healthy Business Challenge was honored to have Global Expedition Leader & S.C. Floodwater Commission Chair, Tom Mullikin, J.D. present at our recent digital seminar about the various ways in which businesses can increase employee engagement while serving as good stewards of the environment.

Passcode: *E!5d4ah

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